Great Garden Products designs, manufactures and provides products that Help You Create Your Great Garden!
We are a family owned business established in August 2020. For a couple years prior to launching, we had been working on different Product ideas and doing research to determine commercial viability. Some of our Products are born out of the frustration of dealing with the challenges of creating our own Great Garden. We choose to see these challenges as an opportunity to provide a solution to a problem, not just for ourselves, but for everyone who has struggled with the same challenges. All our Products will focus on making Your Great Garden easier to obtain and maintain which of course makes it much, much more enjoyable!
Great Garden Products has available, in house, all the resources we need to Design, Prototype, Test, Evaluate and Manufacture our Products. This gives us the ability to fine tune our Products to ensure proper function and Product quality. We are committed to providing Products that give you value.
We are aiming to have all Great Garden Products manufactured here in the USA!
It’s simple, our Primary Goal is to provide Products that Help You Create Your Great Garden!
Get to know us … so, what is our Great Garden like?
For me it is a place of inspiration where new and creative Product ideas develop and grow alongside our fruit and nut trees, vegetables and flowers. Great Garden Products simply wouldn’t exist without the challenges and inspiration provided by our Great Garden!
What’s providing the challenges and inspiration?
We currently have 22 Citrus trees of various varieties, 18 Avocado trees, each a different variety, 3 Cate Macadamia Nut trees, 2 Pistachio Nut trees, a male and a female, 2 Persimmon trees, a Hachiya (my favorite) and a Giant Fuyu as well as a Black Mission Fig tree.
Also, my precious wife has planted a vegetable garden with several tomato plants, bell peppers, onions, eggplant, peanuts, potatoes, squash, cucumbers, bok choy and mint …
… and to top this off we have Geraniums, Dutch and Bearded Iris’ and Calla Lillie’s.
Of course our Great Garden, perhaps like yours, is a work in progress. We have plans to plant more fruit and nut trees, build a greenhouse to expand the vegetable garden, add more flowers, build a chicken coop for chickens and get a bee hive for honey as time to prep for these things permits.
If you’d like to follow the progress of Great Garden Products and see how our Products are developed and launched for sale, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, just click the YouTube icon below to find us. We plan on documenting as much as we can.
We have planted the seeds of Great Garden Products, now it’s time to nurture and watch it grow!